Competitive advantage in the financial sector often comes from information superiority and looking at the right information at the right time. At Semeris we are constantly striving to bring order-of-magnitude efficiencies to the critical document review process to give CLO investors more bandwidth to tackle the several other critical factors in making investment decisions. Whether they are reviewing a new issue deal or preparing to participate in a BWIC list, our CLO-focused customers have internal preferences, checklists driven by their models, or key compliance requirements when analyzing deal documents.
Summaries tailored to your processes
Our AI-driven Semeris Docs for CLOs allow the customization of risk summaries created by our product. You can build each summary from a set of topics (e.g., Discount Obligations, Discretionary Sales, Eligibility Criteria) and each topic includes various extracted and analyst-verified or automatically-extracted information.
You can build topics from:
- Anything in our analyst-verified data
- Any defined term with potential synonyms
- Any sets of extracted paragraphs
- Any extracted sections
Build comparisons around your topics
Our deal comparison capabilities use the same topics you add to your summaries. When a new deal is negotiated or launched, the comparisons let you focus on the same topics you usually look at in summaries and find the key differences between an issuer’s new deal and the last deal you reviewed or approved. Automatically blackline sections to highlight where language is different. Accelerate your deal-vetting process and make decisions in minutes not hours.

Efficient deal summary and comparison
In short, Semeris Docs for CLOs provides custom summaries extracted from deal docs, returned in real-time from 100’s deals in our deal universe, and everything you see is exportable to Excel.
Contact us for further details and demonstration.